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Our mission is clear:  Creating the most authentic chocolate, using raw, organic cacao, in its most purest form. 


Secret ingredient:   Always LOVE.

We love what we do.

No compromises!


Most commercially available cacao is roasted at 110°C- 160°C for 30 minutes, a speedy process that depletes the plant of it's health benefits. Unroasted cacao undergoes a very different process in order to preserve its many flavours and natural qualities


We source our cacao from organic farms in Peru and Ecuador where it grows in a sustainable environment amongst mango trees, peppers, vanilla plants and coconut palm trees. Relying on ancient wisdom, local workers use traditional techniques to cultivate, harvest and process the cacao beans.





 We’re purists at heart and keeping things as nature intended is important to us,- that's why we source our ingredients from carefully chosen organic farmers.who share our respect for nature and sustainability.

Fruits, herbs and nuts are harvested during peak season and processed locally or in our kitchen. 

Physological Cacao Effects


Pure, unroasted cacao is a natural source of magnesium, iron and chromium- known to improve the body's response to sugar, improving insulin resistance and blood sugar control. Theobromine can help dilate constricted blood vessels, increasing flow and reducing blood pressure. Remember to always drink some water while consuming cacao products.



Cacao is harvested from the fruit of the cacao tree and is the basis of chocolate. Due to its many natural properties and multiple uses, cacao has been cultivated for thousands of years by the mesoamerican civilizations distributed throughout Mexico and Central America. The elite men of the Aztec and Maya societies consumed cacao primarily in the form of a frothy beverage, during ceremonies that would grant them energy and power and in rituals to appease their deities.


The first europeans to “discover” chocolate were the Spanish in 1519 when Cortés met with The Aztec Emperor Moctezuma in Tenochtitlan. Later on in 1544 a Mayan nobleman named Kekchi Maya was brought from the Americas to meet King Phillip where he formally presented the frothy cacao beverage of the gods to Spanish court. Within a century, chocolate had made it to the rest of western europe and England. Demand grew quickly, leading the French to set-up plantations in their Caribbean colonies and the Spanish in their South American and Philippine colonies.


Today we consume cacao mostly in the form of chocolate- mixed with sweeteners to reduce the natural bitterness of the flavour. Traditional beverages made with cacao are still consumed in México, Central and South America and can be prepared quite easily.

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